Normally One-time fee $3864

Today $597then $297monthly
Learn How To Eliminate $200,000+ in Mortgage Interest, Pay Your Mortgage Off in 7-10 Years AND Fund the Lifestyle of Your Dreams GUARANTEED!
Join the 12 Month Academy Premium Membership

$597 then $297 monthly

Join the Academy
Futurebound Academy
Premium Membership
Finally...An Easy-to-follow, Step by Step, Proven Process For You To Take Your Hard-Earned Cash Back from the Bank AND Grow Your Own Nest-Egg!
Are you sick of half or more of your income going straight to the bank to pay your mortgage? Worried that you're heading for a financial crisis because your finances are being crushed by mortgage debt? And looking for ways to free up more cash so you can travel the world, provide an abundant life for your kids, or invest for your future FASTER?

We help homeowners eliminate $200,000+ of mortgage interest without sacrificing the lifestyle they want AND build so much equity in 1-2 years after implementing their plan that most can invest in property with little to no money out-of-pocket.

In the last 12 years we’ve shown hundreds of homeowners how to easily decrease interest payments and pay down their mortgage principle without years of hard work and trial and error. We’ve provided a pathway to mortgage and financial freedom for ourselves and our clients, and we can do the same for you too.

With our 3-step Wealth Building System, you'll experience the power of combining financial education, financial coaching and implementation support, so that you can accelerate forward and increase the chances of being mortgage-free years ahead of what you're doing now.

We can't guarantee that you'll get results, because it takes your effort to learn and apply the training, showing up to the coaching and completing the implementation tools.

But we can guarantee that with our 3-step proven process, if you put in the effort and you're committed to the process, you will get results that are faster, greater and longer-lasting than you would have otherwise AND that we will be with you each step of the way.
Step 01. Learn It!
Learn how to maximise your money
You'll have 12 month access to 06 work-at-your-own-pace training modules. Fill knowledge gaps and learn insider secret strategies to taking control of your money, managing debt and investing with confidence.
Step 02. Apply It! 
Quickly apply what you've learned and accelerate your results
You'll get support from our team as you apply what you learn to your situation using 10 implementation tools, including your customised Fast Track Mortgage Plan. You won't have to do any complicated maths and the tools are full of short-cuts for you.
Step 03. Live It! 
Get the guidance, motivation and accountability to stay on track
Starting from the time you join the program and for 12 months from then, Jeff and Jacque Elias and their team will give you guidance, motivation and accountability, so you know exactly what to do, what NOT to do and how to stick to it when life gets tough.
Normally One-time fee $3864

Today - $597 then $297 monthly
12 Month Academy Jumpstarter Membership

Intake is now - OPEN 
Join the Academy
Jeff Elias - Academy Co-creator
 Simply Follow Our Step-by-step 3-Step Proven Process To Success & You’ll Avoid Up to 23 Years of Mortgage Repayments! 
Eliminating up to $400,000 of mortgage interest can be much easier than you think. Many people simply don’t know the correct steps to take which makes them take far longer than they need to. We’ve done all the hard work for you, so all you need to do is follow our step-by-step process and you’ll reach mortgage and financial freedom in no time.

You won’t just save time either. When you follow our advice closely, you also gain more control of your money and get more clarity on how to build the life you want than you would ever be able to achieve on your own.

You'll get:
✅ WARNING: You Could Be At Serious Risk Of House Poor Are you paying a mortgage that is 50% or more of your income? Bad idea! We’ll show you why this is a HUGE mistake and how it leaves you open to financial risk.

✅ The Proven Mortgage Debt Reduction Strategies We’ve Used To Save Our Clients an Average of $260,000 in Mortgage Interest We’ll reveal the bullet proof strategies we’ve used to achieve mortgage & financial freedom for ourselves and our clients consistently for the past 10 years

The Devastating Mistakes Made By Virtually All Homeowners Nearly every person with a mortgage makes these common yet fatal mistakes – find out what they are so you can avoid them!
100% Of Homeowners Will Pay $100,000s More than They Have To Without The Right Help
Sadly, without the right help 100% of homeowners will never reach their mortgage freedom in 7-10 years. It’s not their fault, they just haven’t been taught how to eliminate interest payments and target principle properly. It doesn’t have to be this way for you though.

We can show you exactly what we do to create a plan to structure and repay your mortgage so that you pay effectively 0% interest and wipe out your principle super fast and how our clients use the equity they create to invest in property, using the same strategies. Join our course and coaching program today to see how you can achieve a similar result, and do it much faster than you ever thought was possible.

You'll get:
✅ 4 Simple Strategies To Pay Off Your Mortgage in 7-10 Years These strategies can help you make more money, increase time- freedom, and improve your lifestyle YEARS faster than you ever thought possible.

✅ The Old Myths & Downright Lies Told By The Bank & Mortgage Industry Many people still believe these old wives-tales and dirty lies told by the bank – find out what they are so you can protect yourself

✅ The Vital Key To Achieving Mortgage & Financial Freedom As Fast As Possible This all-important piece of the puzzle is crucial to eliminating up to $400,000 in mortgage interest and paying your mortgage off in 7-10 years and without it you are doomed to failure – make sure you have this at all costs!
Jacque Elias - Academy Co-creator
Normally One-time fee $3864

Today - $597 then $297 monthly
12 Month Academy Jumpstarter Membership

Intake is now - OPEN 
Join the Academy
Here’s A Brief Outline Of You'll LearnIn the Learn It Step (value of $1997)
With these work-at-your-own-pace training modules, you can learn everything in one
weekend OR take your time and digest it over 6 months.
It's Your Choice! You have 12 months to complete it.
Module 01 - Remove Roadblocks
Learn what money behaviors are stopping you from an abundant lifestyle and what to do to eliminate them.

Discover you money personality and what's fueling your money decisions.

Learn how to agree with your partner about how to manage your money without arguments.

And much more...
Module 02 - Guilt-free Spending 
Learn how to enjoy spending your money today while not robbing your future of the comforts you deserve.

Learn how to create a savings plan so you're ready for emergencies and wealth building.

Learn how to easily discover where you're money is going and how to direct it toward your financial goals.

And much more...
Module 03 - Free-up Your Cash from Short-term Debt
Learn how to spend your money one whatever you want without short-term debt

Learn how to pay off short-term debt in 18 months

Learn how to increase your disposable income

And much more...
Module 04 - Free-up Your Cash from Your Mortgage
Learn how to structure your mortgage so that you can eliminate up to $400,000+ of mortgage interest.

Learn how to implement and automate a repayment strategy that pays off your mortgage without sacrificing your lifestyle.

And much more...
Module 05 - Increase and Replace Your Income
Learn how to invest in property without any money out-of-pocket.

Learn how to increase and replace your income and fund your lifestyle in retirement.

Learn how to safely invest and what NOT to do

And much more...
Module 06 - Live an Abundant Lifestyle
Learn how to ensure your wealth building leads to the fulfilling life you want

Learn how to find your passion or cause that brings abundance to your life

Learn how to make a difference to your family for generations to come

And much more...
Normally One-time fee $3864

Today - $597 then $297 monthly
12 Month Academy Jumpstarter Membership

Intake is now - OPEN 
Join the Academy
Why waste years struggling along, trying to figure things out for yourself? You can save this time and get a much better result when you get our expert advice and use our blueprint to slash $200,000+ of mortgage interest, pay off your mortgage in 7-10 years and increase and replace your income with investments.

It’s like a shortcut which gives you a pathway to having more disposable income, traveling the world, providing your family with an abundant lifestyle and having the time-freedom you deserve.

Are you ready to eliminate $200,000+ of mortgage interest in the shortest time possible? To have more money, freedom and better lifestyle without years of hard work it usually takes?

Then join our program while you still can.

You'll get:
✅ Why Getting the Lowest Interest Rate Isn’t Always The Best Choice For You Getting the lowest interest rate on your mortgage is always the best right? Wrong! We’ll show you why there’s a lot more to it than first meets the eye and what to do instead

✅What Never To Do When Buying Property Please, never EVER do this on your journey to mortgage freedom (unless you want to stay broke for YEARS longer than you need to)
Normally One-time fee $3864

Today - $597 then $297 monthly
12 Month Academy Jumpstarter Membership

Intake is now - OPEN 
Join the Academy
Now it's time to over-deliver...
 The secret to your success is you won't ONLY get financial education and then be left wondering what to do next. You'll also receive implementation support as you apply what you've learned to your finances, so you experience the RESULTS right away... 
 Apply It! - Use the 10 Core Tools to Implement What You've Learned (value of $588) 
Money Personality Profile
Discover your money weaknesses and strengths
Lean into your strengths and outsource your weaknesses. Discover how your money personality is helping you win and where it's tripping you up. Then adjust how you're making money decisions to capitalise on your strengths.
Money Rules of Engagement for Couples
Make money decisions with your partner WITHOUT arguing
You'll discover your partner's money personality and how it works with and against your money personality. Together you'll make a plan for how to make money decisions and get equipped for when you disagree.
Annual Spending Plan for Wealth Building
Plan your spending and take control over your money
Say goodbye to the days of wondering "where did my money go". Apply your guilt-free spending strategy to your spending plan where you'll create a plan for what you'll do with your income before you spend it. 
Spending Plan System
Reduce money management anxiety
Systemise how you manage your spending plan so you stay on top of your money without having to track it everyday. Know exactly when you need to update your spending plan reducing the anxiety of managing your money.
Savings Plan Trackers
Stay on track with your savings
Plan and track your savings for emergencies, big purchases, and investments. PLUS, all the maths are done for you.
Meal Planner
Spend less at the supermarket
Use your meal planner to easily plan your meals each week making your supermarket shop easier and cheaper. 
Short-term Debt Crusher
Crush short-term debt in 18 months or less
Use this tool to plan how to slash short-term debt in 18 months or less. You'll be able to compare strategies and choose the right one for you. PLUS, all the complicated maths are done for you.
Fast Track Mortgage Plan
Slash up to $400,000 of mortgage interest
Find out exact how much home loan interest you'll save, how soon you'll be freehold and when you'll be able to buy your first, second or third investment property.
Wealth Building Plan
Create a wealth building strategy
Use your customised plan to get laser focused on your strategy to increase and replace your income with investing in property.
Course Workbook
Better understand the information in the training modules
Use your workbook to write notes, answer questions and further digest the information given in the training modules. 
 Our Risk-free $20,000 Money-Back Guarantee 
When you join our Futurebound Academy, you can invest with confidence because you’ll always be covered by our money back guarantee. In the extremely unlikely event we can’t help you save at least $20,000 on top of what you're already doing, we’ll refund every cent you’ve invested with us. Terms and conditions apply.
Normally One-time fee $3864
Today - $597 then $297 monthly
12 Month Academy Jumpstarter Membership

Intake is now - OPEN 
Join the Academy
Here's how you'll get long-lasting results...
 You'll be able to consistently take action toward your goals because you'll have the right coach to give you guidance to know what to do and what NOT to do, motivation when the life gets tough, and accountability to make sure you're moving forward and hitting goals. 
 Live It! - Get Motivation, Guidance and Accountability for 12 Months (value of $3170) 
Kick Off Session
Get guidance before you start
Your dedicated Financial Coach & Educator will review your current financial situation and how you how much you could save in mortgage interest and time saved when you implement our strategies and advice. Create a 90 day plan and get the program customised to your goals and situation. - $500 onboarding fee applies
Weekly Group Coaching
Get bonus content from Jeff and Jacque Elias
Attend weekly online coaching sessions to answer questions while you implement what you've learned, motivate you and keep you accountable to hitting your goals. You'll also get bonus information based on what's happening currently in the economy.
1on1 Coaching
Get expert advice and guidance
Your dedicated Financial Coach and Educator will guide you through the programme, answer your questions, review your implementation tools and advice for how to structure your mortgage and finances.
Quarterly Planning Workshops
Move forward fast
Create your Financial Success 90 Day Plan that breaks down your year into achievable 90 day periods. In this group workshop, you'll learn how to create financial goals that move you forward fast.
Accountability Group
Stay on track each week
In this optional small group, your dedicated Financial Coach and Educator will check-in with you each week to make sure you're on track with your goals. If you're not, they'll help you figure out how to get back on track.
Private Community
Stay on track everyday
Use your meal planner to easily plan your meals each week making your supermarket shop easier and cheaper. 
LIVE Take Action Workshops
Monthly guidance for completing plans
You won't stay stuck for long when you attend a monthly workshop that walks you through how to complete a plan in the Academy. Ask questions and complete each step as you go.
On Track Calls
No one left behind
You're not just a number. Your dedicated Financial Coach and Educator will call you to check-in when needed to make sure you doing okay.
Virtual Summits
Expertise brought to your lounge
Guest speakers from all over NZ and beyond will provide you with bonus topics, workshops and more. These events will be open to the public for a fee, but you'll receive a complimentary ticket.
LIVE & In-person Events
Mix & mingle with other Academy members and meet the Futurebound team. Ask questions and attend exclusive training that is not open to the public - no additional cost.
Say Goodbye to the 30-year Mortgage...
Just like they did! 
Kimberley's Story
Chris' Story
Kotisi & Kelly's Story
Slashed $242,000
"We actually had more money at the end of each week....
"...Following the plan you put down on paper, which seems stupid. But it was just really simple. It's kind of counterintuitive. It sounds [like] upside down world, right? For such little change that we had to do, we got such a good return, such a big return....We've been doing trips to Sydney once a year, twice a year!"
- Cam and Marie, Wellington
Freehold in 6 years
Time saved 17 years
Slashed $365,000
"We just thought we were locked in for like that whole 25 years."
"We're learning stuff that we never would have thought of unless we've done this course. And, yeah, I think before we did this course, we just had no idea of how we can save money or how we can.  We didn't even know we could pay for the mortgage faster.  Now we see  we'll actually have paid off our mortgage." 
- Kotisi & Kelly, Auckland
Freehold in 8 years 3 months
Time saved 12 years 9 months
Slashed $192,000
"It just really reduced my anxiety around what I'm doing"
It's just really reduce my anxiety around what I'm doing and where I'm going and what I need to do.  And it's just made the plan very, very clear for me. The trade off has been not only the financial advice but it's actually significantly helped me in all aspects of my life in terms of planning, just reducing my anxiety around money.
- Katrina, Gisborne
Freehold in 14 years 5 months
Time saved 14 years 7 months
Slashed $141,000
"Informative... Excited... Blown away"
"It really helps us understand a bit more what's going to happen. And yeah, we're really excited.  I definitely recommend it.  I've looked [at] so much just in the first four modules, just blown away with how different things could be just with making more adjustments."
- Jesse & Amanda, Meremere
Freehold in 1 year 8 months
Time saved 26 years 4 months
Slashed $219,000
From "nerve wracking" to obsessed
"We found it a bit nerve wracking going into it, but once we had it, yeah, we couldn't really stop talking about it all day. So it was great. We found it good, because you could go at your own pace. You could go back if you didn't understand it."
- Nathan & Tascha, Inglewood
Freehold in 7 years 6 months
Time saved 21 years 6 months
Slashed $397,000
Shocked...Easy to follow...Helpful prompts
" was really nice to have you kind of walk us through everything... It is kind of a shock how much we could do in such a short time. It was quite informative & easy to follow and especially, you know with the prompts and you've been able to show it as we talk through it on the screen."
- Katrina, Gisborne
Freehold in 14 years 5 months
Time saved 14 years 7 months
Here's how you'll get long-lasting results...
 Be prepared for whatever life throws at you with our Life Plans and foundations training. 
 Live It! - Get Motivation, Guidance and Accountability for 12 Months (value of $2364) 
Life Plans
Reach your life goals while wealth building
Life doesn't have to stop because you're building wealth when you use the Life Plans in the Academy. One Life Plan will be added each month to help you to financially plan for life milestones.
Personal Finance Foundations
Learn what school didn't teach you
Learn the basics of personal finance so you can make informed decisions everyday about how best to spend your money - A new foundation training added each month.
Self-Employment Finance Foundations
Learn how to mange your self-employment income
Learn how to use the tools in the Academy when you have self-employment income, how to get a mortgage with self-employment income and more - A new foundation training added each month.
Property Investment Foundations
Invest with confidence
Learn the ins and outs of property investment beyond the core training modules in the Academy. Use these foundations training to fill in any knowledge gaps about how to make money with property investment.
Start your journey now with wrap-around accountability!
Join the Futurebound Academy and Follow Our 3-Step Wealth Building System
(Valued at $8,119)
During the Futurebound Academy , our experts will discuss your specific situation and how we can help you eliminate up to $400,000 in mortgage interest, shave off 10-20 years off your mortgage and fund the lifestyle of your dreams in the shortest time possible.

Here’s what to expect:
✅ Learn It! - Access to 06 work-at-your-own-pace training modules. Bridge knowledge gaps about your mortgage and finances and be equipped for your financial situation now and in the future as life changes.

✅ Apply It! - 10 Core Implementation Tools & Support - Implement what you learn using tools without complicated maths. Use short-cuts and systems to make sure you shorten the learning curve. Our client support team will be available to help you navigate the tools and we'll review it to ensure you've done it correctly.

✅ Live It! - 12 Months of Weekly Group Coaching and 1on1 Coaching Session - Get direct access to Jeff and Jacque Elias and their team as you apply what you learn to your situation. Get answers, support, encouragement, your personalised Fast Track Mortgage Plan and a review of your implementation tools.
You're guaranteed to get results, if you commit and do the work.

This is ONLY for people who are serious about eliminating $200,000+ of mortgage interest and use the savings to fund the lifestyle of their dreams and places are strictly limited. Join now to avoid disappointment and secure your spot.
Intake is now - OPEN

Normally One-time fee $3864

Today - $597 then $297 monthly


Annual One-time Payment $3270
(2 months free)

12 Month Academy Jumpstarter Membership

12-Month Payment Plan - $597, then $297 monthly
Annual One-time Payment - $3270
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